Mag. Bernhard <strong><em>Mraz</em></strong>

Mag. Bernhard <strong><em>Mraz</em></strong>


Novartis Pharma GmbH

Assoc. Prof. Priv. Doz. Dr. Markus <strong><em>Zeitlinger</em></strong>

Assoc. Prof. Priv. Doz. Dr. Markus <strong><em>Zeitlinger</em></strong>

Vice President

University Clinic for Clinical Pharmacology
Medical University of Vienna

Univ. Prof. Dr. Bernd <strong><em>Jilma</em></strong>

Univ. Prof. Dr. Bernd <strong><em>Jilma</em></strong>

General Secretary

University Clinic for Clinical Pharmacology
Medical University of Vienna

Dr. Dejan <strong><em>Baltic</em></strong>

Dr. Dejan <strong><em>Baltic</em></strong>


Amgen GmbH

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gerhard <strong><em>Garhöfer</em></strong>

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gerhard <strong><em>Garhöfer</em></strong>

Training courses

University Clinic for Clinical Pharmacology
Medical University of Vienna
Dr. Sylvia <strong><em>Nanz</em></strong>

Dr. Sylvia <strong><em>Nanz</em></strong>


Pfizer Corporation Austria GmbH

Priv. Doz. Dr. Ghazaleh <strong><em> Gouya-Lechner</em></strong>

Priv. Doz. Dr. Ghazaleh <strong><em> Gouya-Lechner</em></strong>

Deputy Head of Communications, IFAPP Representation

Gouya Insights KG

Dr. Alexander <strong><em>Barousch </em></strong>

Dr. Alexander <strong><em>Barousch </em></strong>

Communication Web

AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals AG

Mag. Doris <strong><em>Schweighofer</em></strong>

Mag. Doris <strong><em>Schweighofer</em></strong>


Bayer Austria GmbH

DI Christoph <strong><em>Noe</em></strong>

DI Christoph <strong><em>Noe</em></strong>

Deputy Head of ClinOpsCircle

Amgen GmbH

Univ.-Doz. Dr. Martin <strong><em>Brunner</em></strong>

Univ.-Doz. Dr. Martin <strong><em>Brunner</em></strong>

University Clinic for Clinical Pharmacology

Medical University of Vienna

Ap.Prof.Priv.Doz. DDr. Christian <strong><em>Schörgenhofer</em></strong>

Ap.Prof.Priv.Doz. DDr. Christian <strong><em>Schörgenhofer</em></strong>

University Clinic for Clinical Pharmacology
Medical University of Vienna

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tanja <strong><em>Stamm</em></strong>, PhD

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tanja <strong><em>Stamm</em></strong>, PhD

Research Innovation Circle,
Center for Medical Data Science
(Institute of Outcomes Research)

Mag. (FH) Veronika E. <strong><em>Mikl </em></strong>

Mag. (FH) Veronika E. <strong><em>Mikl </em></strong>

Research Innovation Circle Stv.,
Deputy Head of Treasurer
Roche Austria GmbH

DGKP Ingeborg <strong><em>Brandl</em></strong>, MSc

DGKP Ingeborg <strong><em>Brandl</em></strong>, MSc

Study-Nurse & Coordinator Circle

Medical University of Vienna

Mag. Sabine <strong><em>Emacher-Aichhorn</em></strong>

Mag. Sabine <strong><em>Emacher-Aichhorn</em></strong>

Study-Nurse & Coordinator Circle, Stv.

Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck

Dr. Christina <strong><em>Kösters</em></strong>

Dr. Christina <strong><em>Kösters</em></strong>

Medical Affairs Circle

Merck GmbH
Sebastian <strong><em>Wienerroither</em></strong>, PhD

Sebastian <strong><em>Wienerroither</em></strong>, PhD

Medical Affairs Circle, Stv.

Daiichi Sankyo Austria GmbH

Other functions outside the Executive Board

Administration: Elisabeth Rudeck

Financial auditor: Dr. Peter Fraisl

Financial auditor: Mag. Sigrid Lechner-Marktl