Welcome to GPMed
Austrian Society for Pharmaceutical Medicine
The Society for Pharmaceutical Medicine is a scientific forum for doctors, scientists and other healthcare professionals from academia, industry, authorities, and other institutions who are involved in the clinical development of medicinal products. Special attention is paid to the education and up-to-date training of members it to achieve continuous quality improvement. In this way, we want to contribute to raising Austria's international profile as an important location for clinical trials for the benefit of patients.
Fortbildungen 2025
27.3.2025, * | Thema: Off-Label Use, Compassionate Use und Heilversuch – Behandlungen außerhalb der Zulassung für Patient*innen, die diese benötigen. |
22.5.2025, * | BASG – Gespräche* |
16.10.2025* | tbd |
27.11.2025* | tbd |
*more details to be announced
Neu: Circle für Study Coordinators und Study Nurses
Die GPMed hat einen vierten Circle gegründet: Dieser will alle Study Coordinators und alle Study Nurses zusammenbringen und rückt die Aspekte, die es auf der Prüfzentrenseite zu berücksichtigen gibt, in den Fokus.
ClinOps Circle vom 2.10.2024
Beim COC standen am 2. Oktober 2024 folgende Punkte auf der Agenda, welche von den ~35 teilnehmenden Personen besprochen wurden.
Funding opportunities in clinical research from different perspectives (German only)
Thursday, 28 November 2024, 4 p.m.
Online training via Zoom
Gemeinsam den Forschungsstandort Österreich stärken
The secondary use of real-world data (RWD) is becoming increasingly important in health research. However, the multitude of applicable European and national regulations poses a challenge.
The GPMed has now created a comprehensive guide for the secondary use of RWD in research projects!
BASG discussion – clinical trials of medicinal products (German only)
Thursday, October 3, 2024, 1 p.m.
General Hospital Vienna, Lecture Center, Lecture Hall 3
1090 Vienna, Währinger Gürtel 18-20
Clinical research in the West
Monday, 23 September 2024, 3:30 pm
Centre for Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Innsbruck
Campus Innrain, Innrain 80-82, 6020 Innsbruck
Register for our GPMedium.
You will receive announcements about our upcoming training courses and a report on our last training programme. (German only)