Welcome to GPMed

Austrian Society for Pharmaceutical Medicine

The Society for Pharmaceutical Medicine is a scientific forum for doctors, scientists and other healthcare professionals from academia, industry, authorities, and other institutions who are involved in the clinical development of medicinal products. Special attention is paid to the education and up-to-date training of members it to achieve continuous quality improvement. In this way, we want to contribute to raising Austria's international profile as an important location for clinical trials for the benefit of patients.

Fortbildungen 2025

27.3.2025, * Thema: Off-Label Use, Compassionate Use und Heilversuch – Behandlungen außerhalb der Zulassung für Patient*innen, die diese benötigen.
22.5.2025, * BASG – Gespräche*
16.10.2025* tbd
27.11.2025* tbd

*more details to be announced


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